It is easy to take friends for granted. Life seems to come at us with great force and we are swept away in the currents that are work, home, kids etc. We forgot what an important role our friends play in our lives, and what a great source of encouragement and strength they can be.
At times we feel like we are sinking and battle to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. This is when it is most important to turn to and lean on our friends.
I have been blessed with a circle of friends who have been with me through it all for a number of years now. I want to remind all of you now that we have each other, through thick and thin, to lean on.
Jo has lost someone special and claims to be existing in Disneyland right now. In fact she feels that she should not join us tonight for Feb’s book club at Die Kliphuis in Melkbos. How can we help you feel better if you are not there Jo?
See you all later.
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