I can see why! The food was outstanding, not to mention the lively atmosphere and interesting decor.
I was the first to arrive and was shown my way to a table set up against the windows looking out onto the very busy Lower Main Rd.
Being as observant as I am, I was most startled when hand grabbed me by my shoulder from behind as I sat day-dreaming, waiting for my lost bookmates. It was Jax, out on the pavement, clearly excited for the festivities to begin.
(Jacky and I have decided that city life is a thing of the past and are most keen to venture into pig farming as a source of income, but that's another story, and perhaps another life time.)

Of course Jo was true to form and made a grand entrance 40 minutes or so later than the rest of us. But she assured us that this time she knew exactly what she wanted. Phew, her orders can be alarming at the best of times!
Somebody suggested that we order a jug of Margeurita, just to get started.
Well, the stuff tastes like cooldrink, let me tell you, it seemed like such a good idea at the time. Funny how these good ideas look so different the next morning. Again, another story for another time. Jayni elected to drink hers through three straws, feeling that this would somehow lower the alcohol intake of the beverage. Still trying to figure that one out!

We have decided that we require a pre-weekend away meeting to discuss important things like what to wear, drink and take with to eat. I believe Woolies will be sponsoring some of our meatier snacks?
At various stages of the evening a number of glasses of Marguerita were knocked over, and I think the wheels started to come off when it was suggested that we take false teeth along on our trip, in order to scare the living daylights out of our guides when it gets dark. I am not sure who is meant to be scaring whom, but some of the booklets started making little yelpy noises about the dark etc, etc. We discussed the possibility of hillbillies who eat each other living in the vicinity, the yelping got louder and the subject was changed. We also wondered if there were proper toilets or pits, like in the real wild. I suggested that we nominate toilet buddies, so as to protect each other while in our most vulnerable moments. This is still to be discussed.
Kerry, please remember to find out about the other guests expected at Houw Hoek that Saturday evening, ie age, marital status and shoe size! (Jokes hey, for the hubbies possibly reading this.)

1 comment:
I'm sure if you carry on practising your yelping you'll be well able to scare away in nasty critters during your midnight toilet runs.
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