Thursday, December 8, 2011

We went to Franschoek for our annual weekend away. Joanita's mother owns a house on the river at Hollandsche Molen. What a lovely, relaxing weekend.

Most of us had arrived by 16h0o Friday 2 December. The hostess however was nowhere to be seen. The bookies have never been known for being shy, so we found the key and made ourselves at home. Out came the liquid refreshments, some snacks and of course hilarity ensued.

We missed our BEE bookie terrible, Jax had other commitments. However she let us all know how she felt when she posted FOMO on her FB page. It took us a while to work this out (Fear Of Missing Out) and we we responded accordingly - HAB-WYWH. If you can work that one out I'll...well I'll be impressed.

Chicken burgers for supper, amazingly they were edible considering the amount of liquid refreshment consumed. A big topic of conversation was text talk ie LOL, why does no-one say HaHa anymore? How to spell Heh heh was also quite an animated topic. Amazing how interesting these minor discussions can become when sitting under the stars next to a river making short work of a few bottles of wine.

Saturday was spent exploring the beautiful little shops in quaint Franschoek. The Champagne Festival was on that weekend too, and there was a lovely little craft market set under the shade of trees in church grounds in the centre of the town. Very pretty. Funny enough some of us were really excited to find an honest to goodness old fashioned second hand bookshop. One would think we were a book club or something.

Then we had a late lunch at a wine farm. Jo organised crackers and pressies for all of us, and as usual we got lost in our own little world of chatter and laughter about all sorts of things, eating on the verandah and just relaxing. Very important quality time for busy moms.

Saturday evening, believe it or not, was a pizza and sit around the fire chatting evening. We left relatively early on the Sunday as it was Arlene's son's farewell that afternoon.

Such a special group of ladies - thank you for another lovely weekend.

Love you all xxx

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Well it has been a year and a half since I last updated the blog site. The other bookies are constantly asking me when I will start again. It is amazing how time flies when you are getting older.

Another birthday blew by me the other day, another year older. And here I am wondering what's next. I mean, when I left school I had a number of goals and ambitions to meet. So these have been met, bought the T-shirt and now I'm left wondering, "what now?

At least if I keep the blog updated we can keep our good memories alive and well, and re-live the moments whenever we like. The good part about it all is we can create new memories as we go along. We must just remember to do so.

So far we have not made arrangements to go away this year, although we are thinking about another boat cruise in Feb. Watch this space!

We have had some good laughs as usual along the way during the past year. There was our evening at Beefcakes in Green Point. We had some lovely young talent teaching us all about Bingo.

Good fun!

Then there was Sandy's 40th birthday party at Tableview FC. We all pitched in with the catering and it was great.

And along the way there have been the usual braais, birthdays and general P*** ups.

Some great and exciting news is that Jax and Claire have had a beautiful baby boy named Noah. Some of us still have to meet him. In fact, we still have not had a babyshower, he made an appearance a little earlier than expected.

Generally our special group holds it together for yet another year.

We are meeting tomorrow night at Braza, Canal Walk. I hope I remember to take notes?