The following notes were made by Sandy, as I decided I was on strike that particular evening. I think we all had a good laugh, and so I decided to put them on the blog as is. Here goes...
20h30 - Charmaine veers way off the topic before we've even started with book club discussions.....
Lisa's been told by Timmy that she has all of 15 cents to spend on her book club trip this year, so we are not sure where she will be going??.......;-) Seems here chances of joining us all in a trans-Atlantic crossing is out. LOL!
20h40 - Charmaine i soff on a different tangent to the rest of us again. Apparently here family doesn't appreciate her cooking skills.... So she's decided she's on strike and is refusing to cook another meal.
(Where is the darn food! The wine is going down far too well! :-)
What goes on tour/stays on tour.
You require the "appletizer" can in order to speak/hold the soapbox position.
Ideas for year end trip: (by our next meeting all bookies are to come with their ideas and pricing... or else be subjected to a big forfeit)
Tash: Tiffendell skiiing trip
Joanita: Mozambique? and local "trip-pi" (ie small trip) mid-year
Jayni: R22mil house in Knysna
Other: Bucket list - start with list and plan a trip around each item on the list
Sandy: 3 day Durban trip: 1 day U'Shaka & beach, followed by clubbing at night, 1 day trip to game farm, followed by clubbing at night (chauffered by cute guide)...
Other items discussed
Illegal fundraising for trip
Start a cc/company and fundraise legally
Beg on the street with tins - Charmaine's idea (no-one else was really keen on this one...)
Take kids out one weekend for lunch/picnic and let them know that they have been officially invited/included by book club, but that no quad biking will take place (as much as they'd all love that!)
21h45-ish...the food finally arrives! thank goodness I had a HUGE lunch or else my fellow bookies woulda been in danger! ; -)