Each year our families get together some time over the Christmas holiday and we go away somewhere. This year we went to Pronkies holiday farm, just past Piketberg up the West Coast.
Needless to say the kids had a ball. The farm is built on wasteland in the middle of nowhere and it suited us down to the ground. We booked out all 7 chalets, ending up with about 20 over-excited, hyperactive kids, not to mention the over-excited, hyperactive parents to go with them.
All of these activities meant the adults got lots of time off while the sprogs did their own thing.

The Drummonds arrived in their little red fire engine, with not even enough space to pack one more pair of jeans for Drom, but they did manage to bring Flopsy the Bunny, who had recently been liberated of his home due to a penchant for garden flora. He was placed in a cage with a very aggressive new mommy bunny who chased poor Flopsy until he was utterly terrified. Charmaine decided to try and save him by climbing into the cage (no, not a large cage, a rather small one) and proceeded to chase the already traumatised bunny around while falling flat on her face on a couple of occasions. This of course provided much entertainment for the on-lookers. (See pic.)

We had our usual wonderful all night braais where the wise-chirps flourished amid much laughter. The food was great, especially the potjies prepared by Thomas and Jason on Saturday night. The Suikerkaskenades held on Saturday afternoon were a special treat, especially when Charmaine challenged Darren, who dressed for the occasion. (see pic). BTW, I still don't sleep well since seeing that particular outfit Darren!
What stunning memories guys, they will be cherished always. It looks like we will be returning for the Easter weekend. Somebody should warn the animals!